Wow, it is week 5 of The One Room Challenge! That means only one more week to the big reveal!
We are in overdrive trying to get the last details of our guest bathroom ready and done for the photoshoot on Monday! Lots left to get done – final touches to the millwork, painting, some electrical work, installation of the window treatment, cleaning and styling.

In case you are joining for the first time in a few weeks, we are participating as a guest participant in the One Room Challenge (ORC), which is a decorating challenge hosted by Linda of Calling it Home blog. 20 featured designers/bloggers are chosen to makeover a room in their home, or a client’s home and blog about the progress over a 6 week period leading up to the big reveal on week 6.
This is my fifth time participating as a guest, and we are doing my son’s bathroom, which is also the guest bathroom in my brand new builder grade home.
So what did we get done this week?

The shower is complete, and you can see the beginnings of the wainscoting. The cabinet modification is almost complete as well and countertop was installed today.

I am really excited that we are near the end. Check out some of the other participants here
Come back next week. You won’t want to miss the big reveal!