It is amazing what kids will remember. The good times and the bad all get burned into their memories forever. They will always remember the little things that as busy parents we tend to forget, or just sweep to the back of our brains.
Recently my 12 year old son, Josh and I were just driving along, and out of the blue he started talking about his dad. Josh was only 2 years old when his dad passed away from cancer. He doesn’t remember a lot about him, but it is not uncommon for us to have long conversations about him.
Over the years I have tried to preserve his memory for Josh, through the old photos we have and just talking about what he was like, and how much fun he was. He always has a lot of questions, and it is quite obvious that he enjoys talking about him.
Photo of Sacky Solomon
A certain photograph we took about 11 years or so became the topic of discussion on this drive with Josh. He asked if I remembered the time when he, his sister and I got into the bath tub and his dad took a picture of us. Of course I couldn’t remember which photo he was talking about – since number one, it had been so long ago, and two, they were always taking baths. To this day, he loves filling up the bath tub and taking long, messy baths.
When we got home that day, we looked through our old photos trying to find this picture. Finally there it was! 🙂
Photo of Veronica, Joshua and Courtney. Taken about 11 years ago (2003)
Of course we had a good laugh! I had completely forgotten about this photo. Josh couldn’t have been more than two when it was taken. I am still amazed that he remembered it so well. This particular picture never made it into the family photo albums (you can see why 🙂 ) so I am sure he hadn’t seen it for many years.
It seems like a silly photo. After all, we were being silly that day. I just decided to get in and splash around with them after they begged me to get in with them.
The memories all flooded back after the first glance of the photo. That rubber ducky that you can barely see in the background between the kids was a recent purchase that my husband had made for them. He knew how much they loved their baths, and he brought it home one day. I remember how hard he was laughing while he was taking the picture. I remember the kids begging him to get in as well (there was just no more room in that small tub 🙂 ). I remember how excited the kids were that we were all just hanging around together. They loved that! They were the center of our world – they still are. This is supposed to be a happy post, so why I am I tearing up? I am glad Josh reminded me of this photo. Being so busy these days, I hadn’t gone through those old photos in over 8 years.
We spent the rest of the afternoon, looking through the old photos and giggling and telling stories. I could see it in Josh’s eyes, the fact that his dad never got to see him grow into the wonderful young man that he has become. Although he only got two years with his dad, he spoke about him like he was here today. He will have stories to tell his children.
Joshua. Photo taken in 2013
Yes, he is the self proclaimed “Gamer To The World” 🙂
Here is a picture of Josh and Courtney together (taken around 3 or 4 years ago)
Courtney and Josh (2001-ish) at Cheesecake Factory
Here’s a more recent one.
Courtney and Josh (2013) at Zoe’s Kitchen
My husband’s birthday is coming up soon on September 12th. He would have been 43 years old. We miss him dearly, but our wonderful memories are always in our hearts and minds.
Treasure your loved ones, enjoy those silly, fun times – and of course, take lots of photos 🙂
Have an awesome Throwback Thursday!
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Just a quick note: We now offer installment plans for our Interior Design services. Please watch for details in a future post, or send me a message if you have any questions.
Wishing You Beauty and Inspiration!
Veronica Solomon Owner/Lead Designer Casa Vilora Interiors